
Showing posts from February, 2022

Characteristics for Success in Recruiting Truck Drivers

  In my experiences as a recruiter and a Class A driver, I have found that the majority of companies I have worked with use a standard checklist of qualifications that the driver must meet to be hired. Most of the items on the checklist have to do with moving violations, felonies, DUIs, at least 2 or 3 years experience, and a willingness to be away from home 10 to 21 days at a time. Sounds good at first glance, but how many times does someone meet all of the items on the checklist and then quit or get fired within months? Characteristics for success are the traits a driver needs to possess to be successful in a particular job. The traits can be regulatory such as the number of moving violations in a given time, or they can be personalized based such as attention to detail or a willingness to drop and hook several times in a week without moving the freight to its final destination. Understanding the characteristics of success for a truck driving job is critical to not only the driv...